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Unit: Coastal processes

Aim: To be able to explain the proceses that shape and change coastlines using correct terminology

Revision Resource:
Lesson 1

Introduction & Initial Key Words


1) Course introduction & expectations

2) Fetch, swash & backwash (diagrams & explanation).

3) Constructive & destructive waves.

4) Recap what erosion, transportation & deposition are & apply them to coast lines.


Lesson 2

Coastal Erosion


1) Headlands & bays - annotated diagram.

2) 4 types of erosion (hydraulic action, attriction, abrasion, solution). Erosion w/s

3) Headland features & formation (caves, arches, stacks & stumps) - annotated storyboard.

Lesson 3

Coastal Transportation


1) Wave cut platforms

2) Longshore drift - annotated diagram, effects & solutions.

3) Qs 3&4 p.9


  Homework: worksheet
Lesson 4

Deposition & Coastal Protection


1) Depositional features: spits & bars

2) How can we protect coastlines from erosion (seawalls, rip rap, gabions, beach nourishment).


Isla Damas - Costa Rica

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Damas Island is a spit of land created by coastal deposition. A shrimp farm was built there but roughly 10 years ago a storm destroyed it.

The main factors behind its demise appear to be the lack of solid foundations and the slow erosion of the island itslef.

The erosion has been attributed to changes in river sediments due to activities such as dredging to supply sand/gravel to concrete producers

Lesson 5

Use of Coastlines & Conflict


1) Double page poster showing uses of coastlines

2) Extended writing task about conflict created by conflicting uses of coastlines.

  Homework: Finish write up
Lesson 6 Watch & discuss clips from 'Coast' series.
Lesson 7 Coastal features & coastal management video & discussion

Unit: Weather & Climate

Aim: pupils should be able to explain the causes of rainfall, describe how weather is measured & give examples of some of the problems caused by extreme weather.

Revision Resource:
Lesson 1

What is weather & how is it measured?


1) Definition of weather

2) Types of weather & classification.

3) Instruments for measuring the weather (thermometer, weather vane, anemometer, barometer, rain guage). p.25 Geog.2


Lesson 2

Why does it rain?


1) Basic principle of evaporation, condensation, precipitation.

2) Diagrams of frontal, convectional & relief rain, with explanations.


Lesson 3 BBC Wild Weather: Water video
Lesson 4

Atmospheric circulation


1) Diagram & explanation of atmospheric circulation cells (only Hadley) & the climate regions that are created.

2) Construct climate graphs (titled & labelled) for equatorial & desert region from PP data.

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Climate data PP


  Homework: complete the climate graphs & describe & explain each one.
Lesson 5 BBC Wild Weather: Wind video
Lesson 6

Factors Affecting Climate


1) Daigrams & explanations of factors affecting climate .

2) Qs 1-7 p.39 Geog.2

  Homework: European Climate Data w/s
Lesson 7 BBC Wild Weather: Cold
Lessons 8 - 10


1) Watch videos about hurricanes, making notes about: causes, effects, predicting, preperation.

2) Poster (in pairs) explaining hurricanes, their effects & how we can reduce the damage caused.

  Homework: research hurricane facts and features
Lessons 11 & 12

Climate change


1) What is climate change, what effects is it having (sea levels, droughts, food & water supplies, species, ecosystems).

2) What is the greenhouse effect & why is it increasing.

3) In pairs: A3 poster explaining climate change & offering some solutions.


Revision: revision guideline

Revision Sheet


Unit: Population & Resources

Aim: understand the causes and consequences of changing populations & the differences in distribution & density on a variety of scales.

Revision resource:
Lesson 1

Population Growth

1) what is:

  • demography
  • population explosion

2) P.60 & 61, read & answer Qs 1-5.

Lesson 2

Population density & distribution

1) Why are some places more crowded than others? - examples & reasons.

2) What is population density? Sparsely & densely populated areas.

3) On a blank world map shade in areas of dense & sparse population & label with reasons.

3) P.63 Qs 1-5.


Costa Rica Population

You are going to produce a booklet providing information about the Costa Ricas population & how it is changing.

Work through the following tasks.

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You will be required to email me your finished booklet. You should make sure that it is spell checked, has all the sections completed fully and has your name on it.

Lesson 3

Population change

1) birth rates, death rates & natural increase.

2) Why do these change as countries develop & what effect does this have?

3) Identifying rich & poor countries by birth & death rates - look at atlas stats to see if there is a general relationship between these and GDP


Lesson 4

Population pyramids

1) What are population pyramids & why do we use them?

2) look at Costa Ricas population pyramids & discuss what is happening.

3) Construct own population pyramid for UK & Kenya. worksheet



Homework: describe and explain the shape of each of the pyramids (what & why).

Lesson 5


1) Types of international migration: voluntary & forced & reasons for this - class discussion. Try and come up with actual examples.

2) What problems can international migration cause? (brain drain, culture issues, racism).

Lesson 6

Regional & Rural to Urban migration

1) What are push & pull factors.

2) Push factors for people in the countryside (higher education facilities, specialist health services, lack of job opportunities & mechanisation of agriculture, limited range of jobs)

3) Pull factors of the cities (housing, education, entertainment, higher salaries, wide range of jobs).

Lesson 7 Review Quiz
Lesson 8

What are resources?

1) Discussion about what a resource is & examples of resources.

2) Energy resources & renewability - classification of types of energy resource.


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Unit: Ecosystems

Aim: able to identify different world ecosystems & describe the adaptations of plants and animals for survival in them. Able to discuss threats and solutions to tropical rainforests.

Revision aid:
Lesson 1

What are ecosystems?

1) Definition of what an ecosystem is & some examples.

2) Food chains in ecosystems: Producers, consumers and decomposers. Initial creation through photosyn thesis

3) Diagrams p.44 Geog.3

4) Qs 1,4,5,6 p.45.

ecosystem producers, consumers & decomposers
ecological pyramid
  Homework: read p.46 Geog.3
Lesson 2

Worlds major ecosystems

1) Discuss the map on p.48 showing location of main ecosystems - any patterns & explanations.

2) Complete blank world map showing the ecosystems & annotate with names of the deserts/forests & reasons for their location.

3) Copy diagram showing factors affecting ecosystems from.p.49.

4) Qs 1&2 p.49 (finish at home if not completed in class).

Lesson 3/4

Savanna Ecosystem p.54-57

1) Where is it? Draw map of Africa & locate.

2) Discuss animals & food chains within the ecosystem.

3) Wet & dry seasons and the effects these have on the ecosytem.

4) How have plants and animals adapted to living in the ecosystem (thick trunks, thorny branches, long roots, migration habits, camouflage)

5) put thi information onto an A3 poster in pairs.

  Homework: collect images of savanna animals/plants for the poster
Lesson 5

Threats to the Savanna

Case study based on Tanzania & the Serengetti

1) Threats: pressure for land, impact of tourism, farming practises, pressure for biofuels, climate change.

2) soil degredation p.56 Geog.2

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Lesson 7 Planet Earth: The great plains
Lesson 8

Tropical rainforests

1) What are they? Why is the climate like this?

2) Layers of the rainforest - draw and label a diagram (emergents, canopy, under-canopy, shrub layer).

3) Plant adaptations - labelled diagrams using p.50.

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  Homework: Q3 p.51
Lesson 9 Planet Earth: Jungles
Lesson 10 & 11

Threats & solutions to the rainforest

1) Group work: Card sort activity & then use this information to produce a labelled poster. include examples from Costa Rica in the poster.

2) Rainforest destruction web enquiry

  Revision Guideline