Power, places, networks

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“The growing interdependence of countries worldwide through the increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows, and through the more rapid and widespread diffusion of technology” (source: IMF).


  1. Watch video 1.1
  2. Summarise how the following factors have contributed to globalisation.
    • Technology
    • Transport
    • Trade barriers
  3. What are the 3 main areas of globalisation?
  4. Summarise the importance of each of the areas in globalisation
  5. What is the concept of McWorld?
Video 1.

Measuring Globalisation


  1. Open this page KOF detailed rankings 2017
  2. Screen shot the top 10 rows and the bottom 10 country rows.
  3. Describe the spatial variation for the top countries and suggest reasons.
  4. Describe the spatial variations for the bottom countries and suggest reasons.
    1. Exam style questions:
    2. Describe how one prominent index measures global interaction.
    3. Explain how and why globalization may be measured.
    4. Evaluate the effectiveness of this measure in comparing the level of globalization of different countries.
Video 1.

Global Superpowers


Powerful Organisations & Global Groups

OPEC: Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries


  1. Watch video 3.4
  2. What is OPEC?
  3. What are the aims of the organisation?
  4. Why do they have so much influence over the price of oil? Get the image from this page, describe the share of OPEC reserves and why that is so significant.
  5. Go to the OPEC website
    • List the current members
    • Using the Brief History page - what challenges are facing OPEC (use the information in the 2010 until now section)?
Video 3.4

Global Lending Institutions

New Development Bank

BRICS: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa


  1. Watch video 3.5 - make brief notes about who the BRICS are and why they have the potential to become significant global economic powers.
    1. Read this Financial Times article
    2. What is the main focus of loans from the NDB?
    3. WGive 2 examples of loans mentioned in the article. Explain how each can help the country develop.
Video 3.5: BRICS explained

OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

Fig 3.6: OECD Background
Fig 3.7: OECD Aims



Watch video 3.6

  1. What was the original purpose of the Marshal plan?
  2. What does OECD stand for?
  3. Summarise briefly the history of the OECD.
  4. Go to the OECD website
  5. Make a copy of the 4 bullet points at the bottom of the page - the aims of the OECD.
  6. Watch video 3.7 & Make a bullet point list of the goals that the OECD works towards.

The G7 and G20

The G7

Read this article about the G7


  1. Make a list of the member countries.
    1. How often do the group of countries meet?
    2. What are the main issues that they discuss?
    3. What are the limitations of the G7?

The G20

Read this article about the G20


  1. make a list of the member countries.
  2. What % of global GDP and population do the member countries represent?
  3. How often do the G20 members meet?
  4. What criticisms are there of the G20?

Global trade in materials, manufactured goods and services

Read this World Trade Organization report


Global trade in merchandise

  1. Scroll to page 14 in the World Trade Review pdf.
  2. Screenshot the map and add it to your notes.
  3. Describe the global pattern of global merchandise trade.
  4. Explain the pattern shown

Global trade in services

  1. Scroll to page 15 in the World Trade Review pdf.
  2. Screenshot the map and add it to your notes.
  3. Describe the global pattern of global services.
  4. Explain the pattern shown
Fig 3.7: WTO 2017 Report

Global trade in merchandise


  1. Scroll to page 14 in the World Trade Review pdf.
  2. Screenshot the map and add it to your notes.
  3. Describe the global pattern of global merchandise trade.
  4. Explain the pattern shown
  5. Global trade in services

  6. Scroll to page 15 in the World Trade Review pdf.
  7. Screenshot the map and add it to your notes.
  8. Describe the global pattern of global services.
  9. Explain the pattern shown.
Fig 3.8: Debt Relief

Debt Relief


Use the 3 web link to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the HIPC initiative?
  2. How does debt relief help countries develop?
  3. Summarise why many of the countries got into unmanageable debt.
  4. Describe the geographic location pattern of the countries receiving HIPC support.
Fig 3.9: HIP QandA
Fig 3.10: HIP Factsheet

International remittances from economic migrants

Fig 3.11: Remittances

Debt Relief


Using the diagram:

  1. Describe the main flows of migrants from India, Mexico and Bangladesh. Suggest reasons for the pattern.
  2. Watch the video and make notes about:
  3. The global value of remittances
  4. The major flows of remittances (source & destination)
  5. The factors that penalise the poorest people sending remittances.
  6. Why remittances can be so valuable to poor families.
International migration
Fig 3.11: Remittances, source

FDI & Outsourcing

Fig 3.6: Outsourcing, Philipines
Fig 3.6: High-tech outsourcing, India



Using the diagram:

  1. Read page 82 (pdf textbook), define outsourcing.
  2. How much was the outsourcing industry worth in 2008?
  3. Get this pdf, screenshot P2 showing the top outsourcing destinations. Add comments to suggest reasons why these are successful at attracting outsourced work.
  4. Watch video 1.8.
  5. Where is the outsourcing taking place?
  6. What are the benefits of outsourcing to firms?
  7. Why are the Philippines a successful outsourcing destination?

  8. Case Study: Bangalore, India

  9. Read pages 87-89 (pdf textbook).
  10. Watch Video 1.9.
  11. Describe the types of outsourcing that Bangalore has been involved in.
  12. What benefits has it brought to the economy?
  13. What investment was needed to establish to Bangalore as an outsourcing destination.

Illegal flows, such as trafficked people, counterfeit goods and narcotics

International migration
Fig 3.13: Illegal flows, source



Using the diagram:

  1. Read page 82 (pdf textbook), define outsourcing.
  2. Using figure 3.18 and p.540-543 in the book, describe and explain the flows of:
    • cocaine
    • heroin
    • counterfeit goods and medicine
    • female trafficking
  3. 2. Using 3.19 describe the changes in the flows of cocaine between 1998 and 2008. Try and suggest reasons for this.
  4. 3. Read the subpages from this site about the flows described above.
Global heroin flows
Fig 3.14: Global heroin flows, source
Global cocaine flows
Fig 3.15: Global cocaine flows, source
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